Manage your Hayfever | Histallay

Manage your Hayfever : Practical Strategies for Allergy Relief

Manage your Hayfever: Practical Strategies for Allergy Relief

Hayfever is a common type of allergy that can be quite bothersome for those who suffer from it daily. The most typical symptoms of hayfever include frequent sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, itchy nose, and burning eyes—all of which can affect the quality of life and cause various inconveniences. However, by using the right strategies, it is possible to significantly minimize the effects of hayfever in your daily life, as explained throughout this article.

How to Live with Hayfever?

To live well with hayfever daily, you need to implement preventive measures that help minimize allergic symptoms:

  • Keep Your Home Clean: The accumulation of dust mites, dust, and other allergens can worsen hayfever symptoms. Regular vacuuming, using air humidifiers, and frequently washing bed linens are actions that help reduce exposure.
  • Control Air Quality: Using air purifiers can remove allergic particles from the environment. Additionally, keeping windows closed during pollen season and when the weather is dry is recommended.
  • Maintain Personal Hygiene: Washing your hands and face thoroughly when you arrive home can help remove allergens accumulated on the skin. Furthermore, taking a shower and changing clothes upon returning from outdoor environments prevents the spread of allergens around the house.
  • Avoid Known Allergens: Identifying and avoiding substances that trigger hayfever symptoms is essential. This could include certain foods, pet dander, and chemical products.

How to Prevent Hayfever Attacks

To prevent hayfever attacks, besides avoiding allergens, you should also take measures to strengthen your immune system:

  • Monitor Pollen Levels: Specialized apps and websites provide daily pollen level forecasts. Planning outdoor activities only on low-pollen days can reduce hayfever symptoms.
  • Keep Windows Closed: During high pollen season, especially in the early morning and late afternoon, keeping windows closed can prevent pollen from entering your home.
  • Use Physical Barriers: Sunglasses and face masks can protect your eyes and respiratory system from contact with outdoor allergens.
  • Preventive Medication: Antihistamines like Histallay® can be taken before exposure to allergens to prevent the onset of hayfever symptoms.


How to Make Hayfever Attacks Less Intense and Less Frequent

Even with all these precautions, hayfever attacks can still happen. Here are some strategies to reduce their intensity and frequency:

  • Specialized Treatment: Consulting an allergist for appropriate treatments can significantly reduce attacks over time. It's important to follow all medical recommendations.
  • Adequate Hydration: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep nasal mucous membranes well-hydrated, facilitating the expulsion of allergens from the respiratory system. Additionally, nasal irrigation with saline solution is recommended.
  • Healthy Diet: Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, help strengthen the immune system and reduce hayfever attacks.
  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular moderate physical activity can improve respiratory function and increase the body’s overall resistance to allergens.

Benefits of Histallay® in managing hayfever

Histallay® is an effective antihistamine for relieving hayfever symptoms. Here are some of its main benefits:

  • Rapid Symptom Relief: Histallay® begins to act within an hour, providing quick relief from main hayfever symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and nasal congestion.
  • Prolonged Effect: A single dose of Histallay® offers symptom relief for up to 24 hours, ensuring better quality of life without the need for frequent dosing.
  • Non-Drowsy: Unlike many over-the-counter antihistamines, Histallay® does not cause drowsiness in most people, allowing users to carry on with their daily activities without interference.
  • Easy to Use: Available in various forms, such as tablets and syrups, Histallay® is practical and easy to administer.

Adjusting the Environment to Reduce Allergens

Structuring your home environment to reduce the presence of allergens can be an effective approach to managing hayfever:

  • Use of Dust Mite Covers: Covering mattresses and pillows with dust mite covers can significantly reduce exposure to these allergens.
  • Frequent Washing of Fabrics: Regular washing of curtains, rugs, and cushions helps eliminate accumulated dust and mites.
  • Avoid Carpets and Rugs: Replacing carpets with wood or vinyl flooring—materials that accumulate fewer allergens—is a healthier option for those suffering from hayfever.
  • Humidity Control: Using indoor humidifiers to maintain appropriate air humidity levels makes it harder for dust mites and mold to proliferate, preventing hayfever attacks.

Strategies for Outdoor Environments

Avoiding contact with outdoor allergens can be challenging, but with some strategies, it's possible to minimize exposure and avoid allergic symptoms:

  • Planning Outdoor Activities: Engage in outdoor activities during times of lower pollen concentration and when the weather is less dry, such as after rain, to reduce exposure.
  • Use of Protective Equipment: Wearing sunglasses and hats when outdoors can help protect your eyes and face from contact with allergens.
  • Clothing Care: Changing clothes and taking a shower immediately after returning home can prevent outdoor allergens from spreading and triggering allergy attacks.
  • Avoid Drying Clothes Outdoors: Drying clothes indoors prevents them from accumulating pollen and other allergens.

Importance of Professional Diagnosis

For more effective management of hayfever attacks, it's essential to obtain a professional diagnosis:

  • Regular Medical Consultations: Attending consultations and undergoing tests to identify specific allergens causing hayfever attacks allows for more targeted and effective treatment.
  • Allergy Tests: Skin or blood tests can precisely indicate which substances the patient is allergic to, facilitating the adoption of specific preventive measures.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Based on allergy test results, specialized doctors can develop personalized treatments, including specific medications and guidance on lifestyle changes to avoid attacks.


By combining preventive strategies, daily practices, and effective treatments like Histallay®, it's possible to significantly minimize hayfever symptoms and improve the overall quality of life.

Want to know more?

Read the articles below:

Is your home free from allergens?

Is pollen one of the most common allergy triggers?